Our online registration is handled by Ireland leading provider, Eventmaster.
In partnership with event master, we have worked hard to provide the best online registration experience we can to our customers and the participants themselves.
The benefits of our system for promoter are many:
- Customised order forms
- Promotional codes
- Design your own events, e tickets, price traunches
- Real time sales reports
- Registration management system for participants
- and much much more
But the main advantage is that we have added some features that, based on previous experience, will enhance the on the day number pick up process, and also enhance the reliability of the data being issued to the timers before the event starts.
- Online Registration closes 2 hours prior to the event. Our data has shown that when we leave entry open up to the start of the event, there is an increase of 23% in ticket sales in the 36 hours leading up to the event. That means 23% more GUARANTEED entries for your event.
- Scanning system for number pick up. The participant arrives, shows their confirmation bar code which is scanned by one of the registration team. That registration is then matched with a race number allocated using a scanner. This reduces the risk of the wrong number being handed to the wrong participant. It also speeds up the number collection process, and best of all for the promoter, means they only pay for the numbers they used at the end of the race.
These two steps alone will increase efficiency and most importantly, increase profitability for our customers on race day.