Choose from 2 walk options to suit your fitness level
Walk 1 from: Clontarf – Howth – Malahide 26.2km Walk
Walk 2 from: Clontarf – Sutton -Malahide 16km Walk
(Both walks have feed stations)
Challenge Me Dublin: The “Fuller” Walk is an exciting new charity walking event, with 2 distances to choose from.
The Event:
On New Year’s Day 2022 at 8.30am participants will gather at Clontarf Seafront before the Wooden Bridge to take part in The Fuller Walk Challenge.
The Fuller Walk celebrates our friend Rory Fuller’s 10-year anniversary since he passed away (age 30) from melanoma leaving behind 2 young boys who miss him every day. Rory had such a love for Na Fianna, Dublin GAA and being active outdoors. His favourite places to go included a brisk hike up the Sugar Loaf, and Loch Tay Wicklow. Hence why we chose a walk challenge! He loved his coffee and donuts – and we will be sure to plenty of refreshments on route on the day! Every day he inspires us to keep going, be strong, stay in the moment and live our most fulfilling lives by saying “Yes” more!
Together our goal is achievable:
- With your help we have a big goal to raise €100,000 and know that with your support we will achieve this. Whether you get sponsored €1 or €100 every euro raised goes towards making a huge difference in young people’s lives. A Lust for Life channel their donations into their programmes and operations which seek to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own minds. Bumbleance provides safe and comfortable transportation for Ireland’s youngest patients as they travel between their homes and hospitals, hospices, treatment centres, and respite centres nationwide.
- You can complete a donation during the registration process or/and raise funds after. In your registration email, you will receive a personalised idonate link, which allows you to set up your idonate link in seconds! All you must do then is SHARE your link with friends, family, and colleagues to help you fundraise.
- Entry to the event costs €25 with all entrants receiving a medal, beanie, and technical t-shirt.
- Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @Challengemedublin or email us at challengemedublin@gmail.com
The Routes:
Route map for CHALLENGE ME DUBLIN The Fuller Walk 26.2km by David Connolly on plotaroute.com