We are Irish not because we were born in in Ireland but because Ireland 🇮🇪 was born in us!
*1st 100 will receive a free bling hunters face mask*
This is a virtual run, walk, treadmill or cycle or any other form of exercise where you can record your kilometres until you hit your target
Choose your own distance and we have no time limit on the challenge
It can take place anywhere in the world in your own time at your own pace and it’s that simple
Keep a log of your kilometres on your running watch, fitbit etc until you hit your target and send in the evidence to our Facebook page bling hunters group or to this email: Irishblinghunters@gmail.com
To claim your medal and t-shirt which will be sent to you by post
Charity partner. Arklow Cancer support.
For more information contact Wayne on the bling hunters Facebook page or by phone 0862005652 or email
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